What they are saying...
"Recommended Sewing Books: Round out your kit with some words of wisdom....If you're just starting out, pick up Nan Ides' Hand Mending Made Easy." Real Simple magazine
"Among those who will find this book helpful are: stay-at-home moms, working moms, traveling business women and men, single fathers, single women and men, college students -- add the book with a basic sewing kit as a dorm/apartment must, brides -- perfect shower gift with or without a basic sewing kit, those in the military, campers, scouts, new crafters. What does it take to learn to hand mend? Some thread, needles, pins, a pair of scissors, a little patience and practice, practice, practice. Everyone--adults, young adults, teens, even children--can learn to do basic hand mending. Saving money and time is just a few stitches away!" www. parents-kids.com
"Ides has beautifully illustrated many ways to fix and sew garments from sewing on a button to hemming a dress without the need of high priced tailors. The time and money saved by learning her simple mending fixes can be rewarding. Instead of throwing away a garment or leaving it hang in your closet, you can spruce it up or repair it easily. It is interesting how easy it is to begin hand mending. You do not need a sewing machine. You gather very basic tools to start.…. In specific detail you are shown how to thread a needle, stitch a hem, sew on a button, fix zippers, and many other techniques which save money. Whether you are a man, woman, teen or child, this book is valuable for you. Because basic skills in sewing remain the same and do not change, Hand Mending Made Easy will stay on your bookshelf for a long time being used as an instruction manual. www.ClarkIsaacs.com
"Mending and patching become simple in this book. First you are told what supplies you will need as they are mostly thread, needle, pins, scissors and lot of patience and practice...Words used in this manual are defined and explained to the novice...Each mending job is illustrated with simple photographs of each step....It would make a great gift for graduation for kids going off to school, camp or the military. It would be helpful to people trying to save money on costly repairs at the dry cleaners or tailor shop." Bucks County (PA) Telegraph
"...Nan Ides, an expert sewer and clothing designer, answers frequently asked questions in her new book, Hand Mending Made Easy....Saving money and time is just a few stitches away!" Island Family Magazine
"More experienced sewers will find useful tips as well." Weaver's Way Coop, The Shuttle
"Stop paying $15 to have your pants and skirt hemmed. Do it yourself in half the time it would take to drop them off at the dry cleaners..." Sandra Betzina, host of HGTV's Sew Perfect, author of Power Sewing books and DVDs
"Get those non-sewing friends into sewing mode by buying them this handy book of mending basics." Sewing World (sewing magazine of the UK)